Getting your grant 

  • If you are awarded a grant, you will receive an award message in the application portal, outlining the terms and conditions of your grant award. Please check your email for message notifications from us, or you can check for new messages directly in the application portal. We recommend you mark our email address [email protected] as a safe sender to ensure that our messages are not filtered into a junk mail folder. 
  • You must reply to agree to the grant terms and conditions before any funding can be released. You can request a letter-headed copy of your award letter if you need one. 


  • Grants are awarded for costs incurred during one academic year. Any unspent amounts will be written back to the Snowdon Trust at the end of the academic year. Please contact us for advice if you require an extension to this timeline.  
  • We will typically make payments directly to your supplier on receipt of an invoice. You should ensure that all third-parties who will be invoicing on your behalf are notified of this expectation and that you provide them with our details. In circumstances when this is not possible, you can contact us to make alternative payment arrangements.
  • You should notify any individual or organisation invoicing us on your behalf, that all invoices must be submitted before the deadline explained in your award letter. 
  • If another individual or organisation is managing your accessibility arrangements on your behalf, e.g. a disability support officer, we may need your authorisation to liaise with them directly about payments.
  • The grant may only be used for the purpose it was awarded for.  

Keeping us updated

  • If there is any change to your course or study status during the year, or if you no longer require the grant, you must notify us at the earliest opportunity. 
  • You are required to provide a report explaining the progress you’ve made in your studies and the impact of your Snowdon Trust grant at the end of the academic year. We will provide guidance to help you create this. We may request your permission to use this for marketing and fundraising purposes. Be assured that we will never share your story publicly without your consent.  

After your grant

  • If you received a grant for equipment, please ensure that all purchase related correspondence including warranties and guarantees are made out in your name as the owner of the equipment. Once purchased, all running costs including service, insurance and repair are solely your responsibility. 
  • We will not generally ever award more than three Snowdon Trust grants to any single applicant.